Thursday, February 18, 2016

Baleen whales

We had fun time talking and watching video about whales, specially baleen whales.
They are most big mammals in the world. Blue whales are the biggest whale in the ocean. Male whales use blowhole to sing beautifully and males called bull and female is called cow. Guess what baby whales called? calf. Baleen whales have 2 blowholes and breath in air just like us but they can hold the air much longer than us. Some whales like Sperm whales can hold air for 90 minutes and other species do around 35minutes. Amazing!!
Baleen whales using baleen to feed themselves mostly eat krill and plankton during summer time about 4-5months and they migrates rest of the year.
We had chance to make our own whale.

1 comment:

  1. The whales were adorable. Thank you for all the awesomeness this year!
